Learning Outcome: The earner of this badge is able to participate in a structured peer teacher coaching process and reflect on learnings.

Badge Level

(drawn from Pohatu’s Mauri Model)
1. Artefacts

Documents that provide evidence of effective use of Peer Teacher Coaching
2. Narrative (up to 500 words) or a 10-minute reflective conversation with the Badge course facilitator.

A clear explanation of the thinking behind key artefacts submitted, including which badge level you are aiming for.
Mauri Oho / Emerging

“You have begun to explore opportunities to practise and develop this aspect of teaching competency but are not yet consistently demonstrating it.”
Submit evidence of at least one planned peer observation where you are being observed.
Give an outline and rationale for your choice of process for peer coaching in a reflective evaluation.
Mauri Tū / Demonstrating

“You consistently demonstrate this aspect of teaching competency and actively look for opportunities for further growth.”
Give evidence of at least 2 observations of peers as well as at least 2 peer observations of your teaching practice, over at least 1 semester.

Give an outline and rationale for your choice of process for peer observation in a reflective evaluation. Include reference to coaching, observation and feedback principles, models and/or theories that have informed your decisions in the peer observation process
Mauri Ora / Modelling

“You are considered a role model for this aspect of teaching competency and support others to develop in this area.”
Give evidence of at least 2 observations of peers as well as at least 2 peer observations of your teaching practice, and your support for other teachers to develop a coaching practice, over at least 1 semester.

Provide evidence of how you share your expertise, or support others to develop in this area.
Give an outline and rationale for your choice of process for peer observation in a reflective evaluation. Include reference to coaching, observation and feedback principles, models and/or theories that have informed your decisions in the coaching process.

Laaste wysiging: Wednesday, 31 August 2022, 10:02 AM