The resources below have more detailed information

  1. Show your students some examples of correct and incorrect paraphrasing (written by Rosiana (Nani) L. Azman, and Stephen H. Fox), using the well known Dr Seuss story "Green Eggs and Ham".
  2. Infographic showing 10 types of plagiarism. (Frequency and severity). Do your students do these?
  3. Infographic - Plagiarism Spectrum - why students do it
  4. International Centre for Academic Integrity
  5. How to interpret the Originality report
  6. 2017 infographic - research
  7. 2018 infographic reseach
  8. NZQA Effective practice in preventing and detecting academic fraud
  9. I have concerns about Academic Integrity of one of my students. Use this Student Disciplinary Investigation Record

Laaste wysiging: Monday, 20 June 2022, 3:59 PM