How can I prevent cheating in the first place? (some ideas from John Warner, others from James Lang 'Cheating Lessons')

  • create assignments where the students have to draw on own experience and /or current location
  •  For example,  one of the most important personal experiences we can use in writing assignments is in asking students to reflect on the learning they believe they're experiencing while doing the assignment. Incorporating a reflective practice into the assignment is a good way to both discourage plagiarism (students who haven't done the work have nothing to write about) and to help reinforce what's been learned through the experience.
  • create assignments that students believe matter
  • focus on process
  • require students to show evidence of the journey on the way to the destination
  • let them know how to access support
  • have frequent lower stakes assessments early in course (as way of learning in itself about test taking), and give a variety of test types eg quiz, essay, practice tests, presentations....Learning Theory says the more chances the students have to demonstrate their learning, the more deeply they learn it. The testing effect phenomenon tells us testing not only measures learning, but is one of the best ways to learn.
  • teach referencing skills
  • let them know we have process of detection and system to deal with allegations of cheating
  • consider how to put emphasis on Mastery of info vs Performance 'grades'
  • foster intrinsic motivation in students (extrinsically motivated students cheat more). Frame the classes by getting at questions/problems that already matter to students. Help them see how it's relevant to their lives.  Learning theory suggests it will result in deeper learning. EG 'Coverage model' in economics class covering eco theory etc, then a test, vs Questioning model - introducing concepts eg should you be able to download music for free? Well...
  • increase students belief that they can pass (it decreases cheating). Do this by giving them early success opportunities.

What is an acceptable Similarity Score percentage to tell my students?

There isn't one. The similarity score that you accept will depend on several factors:

  • the specific settings that you set in the Turnitin link in Moodle
  • the task requirements of the assignment
  • the level of the course 

What cultural differences in plagiarism should I be aware of?

see here

Can my students access Turnitin through Moodle? 

Yes, moodle integration with Turnitin is now available.The Moodle plugin will allow students to use Turnitin via their own Moodle course page.
Students will be able to access Turnitin assignments automatically via Moodle, without the need of a Turnitin class ID or class enrollment password. 

Which is better - having students log in through Moodle, or log in through the Turnitin site?

Some people like having Moodle as the central access point so everything is contained, and then link out to other sites from there. However all assignments will need to be marked before the Moodle course is closed at the end of semester.

The Moodle plugin does not have the full range of features that are available on the Turnitin site. 

If access is via Turnitin, assigmnents can always be viewed and downloaded, as the site is external and not connected to Unitec semester dates.

Can my students practice submitting an assignment, or check a draft of their assignment to get an Originality report, so they can edit their work before submitting the final to the teacher?

Yes - In settings, go to 'Originality Report Options' - 'Report Generation Speed' and select 'Generate Reports immediately (Re-submissions are allowed until the due date)'. Tell students they will need to wait 24 hours before they can resubmit.

How do I attach a  rubric to an assignment?
  • select the rubric in GradeMark options as per the image below.

attach rubric

Can I attach more than one marking rubric to an assignment?
No, you would have to divide your assignment into parts (and create separate Turnitin assignment for each part), and attach a rubric to each assignment.
How do I write a marking rubric for an assignment?
See the 3 steps outlined here and check out Forallrubrics while you are there.
Click here to see some example rubrics that you can download and adapt
What's the most helpful kind of feedback?
Follow the information on the Moodle course for teachers called Assessment and Feedback
See also this infographic
Can my students submit an Excel Spreadsheet to turnitin?
Yes they can do this if you have clicked 'allow any file type' when you set up the assignment.

 How can I find the WordCount of the students submission?

Click on the 'i' button in the bottom left corner when viewing the student's assignment in Originality Report or GradeMark

Do the marks that I enter into Turnitin GradeMark integrate to Unitec's GradeBook?

No. Turnitin, Moodle and Peoplsoft ALL have a tool called GradeBook. They don't talk to each other. It's like NZ politics.

Can I still use Moodle's Group and Groupings functions with Turnitin's assignments?

Yes, just treat the Turnitin resource on Moodle, as you would treat any Moodle resource.

Can my students upload their assignments from Google Docs?

Yes, if they are logged in from the Turnitin website they can upload from Dropbox, GoogleDrive or local files. This function is not available via Moodle.

For Moodle Turnitin assignments they should login to the cloud storage, download their file locally, then upload into Moodle Turnitin. Turnitin reads most common file types.

Can my students print their assignment with the feedback on it, that I gave them with GradeMark?

Yes, the same way teachers get files for moderation. In the bottom left corner of GradeMark there is a printer icon. Picking this allows several download options. Choose the one that shows current view (GradeMark).

Does Tii look at other class member's assignments when compiling the Originality Report?

No, papers are not compared with other class members until after due date has passed.

The rubric scale goes up in steps of 5 i.e. 5,10,15 etc but I want to give a student a '6'. How can I do that?

Instead of clicking 'Apply rubric percentage to grade', you can just type in the mark you want to give the student in the top right corner.

Can I share my rubric with another teacher?

Yes - click here to see how

What do students see in terms of grades on the 'Post Date'?

Click here to see

Click here to go to the frequently asked questions section on the Turnitin website.

How can I download graded assignments with all my comments for moderation purposes?

  1. Click on the Turnitin assignment
  2. Tick the box next to student's assignment that you want to download, or download all 
  3. Click Download

 How can I see which rubric I attached?

  1. Click on the turnitin
  2. Click update this turnitin assignment
  3. Select Grademark Options - (view which rubric is attached in Attach Rubric) NB: If another teacher looks here, it will show 'use rubric belonging to other instructor'.
  4. To see the attached rubric – click launch rubric manager, then in top left corner, click and select the one you want to see.

 How can another teacher in my course see the rubric I created and attached?

1. share it with them (see how above), or

2. they can see it when they click on a student's submission, or

3. you log in and show them

 How do I make my own QuickMarks in advance of marking?

  1. Click on any turnitin assignment in your Moodle course
  2. Click on the tick icon on right hand side to Launch the QuickMark manager
  3. Click the plus symbol to create a new quickmark set, and title it.
  4. Select it 
  5. Click the plus symbol beside "Marks" to write your first QM for that set (titled in 3 above)
  6. Click save in top right corner

What FAQs do other institutes have about Turnitin?

see here

How can I deter my students from cheating? Read what this former ghost writer says here

How can I read the similarity report? (ie I want to see original text that is similar to my student's submission)

- Look at the red colour first as it has the highest similarity

- Click on the number eg 31 (this is same number as total similarity) in the line of red symbols to make the Match Overview appear

- Click the > on the right to the percentage eg 10% for the red colour.

-Click the > to scroll through and see all the matches. This will highlight the student's text in red and the bit potentially copied.

-Click the 'book' symbol to see full source and who submitted it previously (this is seen if it was a Unitec student).

How can I find out if my students have viewed my feedback?

A response icon (grey face with a tick -  see example here) will appear once the student has viewed your feedback for more than 30 seconds.

How do I share my QuickMark Set with another tutor?

Essentially, the steps are to :

1)      open your Turnitin assignment link,

2)      click on the QM icon which is a tick symbol, near top right corner of your screen

3)      select the QM set you want to share

4)      click on the arrow near top right corner

5)      choose export. (it will download as a .qms file). Don’t open it

6)      go to your email and compose an email to the person you want to share it with

7)      go to your downloads so you can attach the .qms file to your email

8)      send your email and then the recipient needs to import it (using the import arrow inside Turnitin)

What do I do if my student's submission is stuck on 'pending'?

Sometimes the file format causes this, so download their submission, and save it as a different file type eg PDF or Word, then re-upload it to Turnitin. Contact Te Puna Ako if you need help.

Zuletzt geändert: Donnerstag, 10. September 2020, 23:03