There is more information about moderation under 'Running a Quality Progamme' in the Before section of this Moodle resource and forms are on the Nest. Scroll to the bottom of the Nest page to find a link to the report forms.

A quick reminder:

Unitec's moderation has four key components:

The moderator is usually a peer from your team except for external course moderators who will be from another tertiary provider in New Zealand.

Once completed, it can be used as evidence to support an improvement to an assessment, for instance, improving assessment instructions or tasks.  

The Programme's PAQC will track the moderation to ensure this quality process is occurring as scheduled.

Here is a quick guide to Unitec's different types of moderation:



How often 



Moderation of assessment materials (includes all assessments in a course) 

Confirms all course Learning Outcomes have been met with the assessments 

Before any new/changed assessment is used OR during internal & external moderation 

Before the start of semester if an assessment is new/changed OR during internal & external moderation 

Moderation report template 



Check marking (Assessor judgements) 



Include a high, middle, low, outliers, borderlines, not-achieved (minimum 3 samples; no. of samples should be appropriate to the number of assessments overall) 

Confirms assessments are being marked appropriately 

Every semester for exams 


Every second year for other assessments OR more frequently if: 

·        new/less experienced lecturers OR 

·        significant changes have been made to the assessment materials OR  

·        the assessment is delivered across multiple sites or via different modes of delivery


·        sub-contracted 

Immediately after the assessment has been marked and before grades are released to students; make changes to marks if necessary/agreed before releasing to students 

Check marking report template 


Internal course moderation (includes assessment materials & assessor judgements (3 samples from 3 students for all the assessments) 

To confirm that the assessments in the course meet all of the Learning Outcomes 

At least once every 2 years OR as required by PAQC 

After grade approval

* Do not alter student results due to moderation outcomes but note for the next time the course is taught

Moderation report template 

External moderation (includes all the assessment materials & assessor judgements for a sample of 3 students for all the assessments) 

To confirm externally that the assessments in the course meet all of the Learning Outcomes 

Once every 3 years  

 Do not alter student results due to moderation outcomes but note for the next time the course is taught

Moderation report template

Last modified: Friday, 24 January 2025, 3:44 PM