
2. Homework

2.2. Homework 2

Assessment of Environmental Effects - Case Studies

Your homework task is to investigate a case study of an AEE to achieve the following criteria:

  1. Summarise the main issues; you may like to consider them in the same order as the course to help with structure, e.g. Intro (set scene), land, water, flora and fauna, people and infrastructure and traffic.
  2. Describe how the effects have been minimised or mitigated
  3. Discuss the potential benefits of this scheme (how has this been made attractive to the council?)
  4. What was the final decision ? Were any conditions applied ?

Your feedback should be in the form of an oral presentation - 8 mins max. (there will be a penalty for anything over 8 mins) with references (APA style)

Please select from either one of the following topics or one of your own::

  • The creation or upgrade of a bridge
  • The creation of a tunnel (not Waterview)
  • A new road or a road extension
  • A subdivision or small housing estate
  •  A new wharf or wharf extension
  • A multi-storey building or car-park
  • Port development or harbour upgrade

Presentations MUST be emailed to me before or on date of presentation.  Due 10th May (in class).  Marking schedule is attached here.