1. Introduction

1.11. What is included in an AEE?

Milau viaductYour AEE should include the following (unless the council’s plan states otherwise), as set out in section 88 and the Fourth Schedule of the RMA:

1. A description of your proposed activity.

2. An assessment of the actual and potential effects on the environment of your activity.

3. Where the above effects are likely to be significant, a description of available alternatives.

4. A discussion of the risk to the environment from hazardous substances and installations.

5. For contaminants, an assessment of the nature of the discharge and sensitivity of the receiving environment to the adverse effects and any possible alternative methods of discharge, including discharge into any other receiving environment.

6. A description of how the adverse effects may be avoided, remedied or mitigated.

7. Identification of the persons affected by the proposal, the consultation undertaken, if any, and any response to the views of any person consulted.

8. Where an effect needs to be controlled, a discussion of how it can be controlled and whether it needs to be monitored. Where appropriate, a description of how this will be done and by whom.

While an AEE is mandatory, the Fourth Schedule should be used as a guide rather than a blueprint for its preparation. The council’s plan is also likely to list the information you need to supply. (image courtesy of www.ila-chateau.com).

Follow this link to find the MfE's free guide to preparing an AEE