1. Introduction

1.16. Step 6

Step 5Step 6: Pre- application meeting (Complex)

Pre- application meeting with council for some feedback is very useful. Talking in advance often results in a better outcome. There may be more than one meeting with more than one client. It is important to keep questions on track and avoid railroading in these meetings.  Be prepared to stick to the purpose of a meeting. 

There are regional variations in the approach of the councils and variations between one council officIal and another official from the same office.  Ensure that you record the minutes as this controls the situation better.  Check that any minutes taken by external parties are true and accurate to avoid problems later.  Ensure that you finalise the best and the cheapest way and re-evaluate your proposal.  Make an effort to resolve any restrictions before submitting your consent.  Alternatives options often cost money and make the process more complicated.  Document all alternatives in case you are asked for proof that you have looked at other options at a later date.  Finally make sure that your monitoring proposal is both feasible and affordable - do not promise what cannot be delivered.

In summary:

When is the application complex ?

  • Something unusual about the site
  • Issue pre-existing
  • Technical details complex
What's the purpose of the meeting ?
  • Agree on information to provide
  • Techniques or methods to be used.  Remember that methods of monitoring may be required which can be tricky, time consuming or expensive.

What's the procedure for the meeting ?

  • Depends on Council but usually recorded in minutes and Council may charge.