1. Introduction

1.8. What is an AEE ?

AEE stepsAn AEE should be seen as part of the process of shaping your proposal, or what you want to do, rather than a task to do once you have all your plans prepared.  An AEE helps you identify the effects of your activity early on in the process and, if necessary, allows you to incorporate measures to reduce any adverse effects.  Steps include confirming with Council what consents are required. Once established, an assessment of environmental effects (AEE) is required to get a decision from the council on whether you can do what you want to do.  It identifies who you should consult and, if required, from whom you should obtain written approval. It is used as the basis for the council’s decision on whether to notify and grant an application, and, if granted, whether to impose any conditions to address any outstanding effects (Figure: www.mfe.govt.nz)

The final outcome of the AEE process is an accurate and objective statement about the effects of your proposal on the environment. This statement will have taken into account whether the proposal has avoided, mitigated or remedied any adverse effects on the environment and people.

Follow this link for a planner's guide to the resource consent process