1. Introduction

1.10. Defining Effects

FloodEffect includes-

(a) Any positive or adverse effect; and

(b) Any temporary or permanent effect; and

(c) Any past, present, or future effect; and

(d) Any cumulative effect which arises over time or in combination with other effects (e.g noise, dust)

regardless of the scale, intensity, duration, or frequency of the effect, and also includes—

(e) Any potential effect of high probability; and

(f) Any potential effect of low probability which has a high potential impact (e.g dam spill or 10-year storm) (image www.eofdreams.com)

Positive effects may influence whether or not a consent is granted and adverse effects can affect the decision for notification.  Temporary effects are often identified during construction and cumulative effects may include affects on air quality from transportation development.  If an activity only affects a few people then it is worth obtaining agreement from all parties prior to work commencing to avoid notification.