1. Land

1.5. Landscape Assessment

Volcanic concesMatters to be considered in the RMA:

As a general guide, matters to be considered when deciding an application for resource consent or a NoR are set out in RMA s104 and s171 respectively, and those relevant to an LSA include:

  • Landscape and Visual Effects of the proposal;
  • Policy statement and plan provisions relating to landscape and visual issues;
  • Alternative locations or methods ; and
  • Other relevant matters (e.g. non-statutory documents such as existing district-wide landscape assessment reports)

The matters listed above are subject to Part 2 of the RMA which has the over-riding purpose of promoting sustainable management. 

Those sections of Part 2 likely to be most relevant to a LSA are listed below. 
  • Section 5 Purpose and principles of the RMA
  • Section 6 (a) Preservation of the natural character of the coastal environment … wetlands, lakes, rivers and their margins, and the protection of them from inappropriate subdivision, use and development
  • Section 6(b) Protection of outstanding natural features and landscapes from inappropriate subdivision, use and development
  • Section 7(c) Maintenance and enhancement of amenity values
  • Section 7 (f) Maintenance and enhancement of the quality of the environment 

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Factors that can help in identifying valued landscapes include:

  • Presence/absence of statutory landscape designations;
  • Presence/absence of local landscape designations and associated controls;
  • Landscape quality/condition;
  • Scenic quality (designated height sensitive areas help to prevent blocking of views such at the volcanic cones of Auckland)
  • Rarity of particular elements/features;
  • Representiveness;
  • Conservation interest;
  • Recreation value;
  • Perceptual aspects; and
  • Cultural / iwi.