Week 4 - Land
Conditions d’achèvement
1. Land
1.6. Magnitude of Effects
The nature of the effect that is likely to occur, i.e. its magnitude is determined by considering four separate factors, namely:
- Size/scale;
- Geographical extent;
- Duration;
- Reversibility
The LSA format should take the following form:
- Executive Summary Description of Proposal
- Relevant Statutory and Non-Statutory Provisions
- Existing Landscape
- Alternatives
- Landscape and Visual Effects
- Design and Mitigation Measures
Such a structure addresses the matters that need to be included in an AEE as listed in RMA Schedule 4(1).
- http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/SiteCollectionDocuments/aboutcouncil/committees/planningurbandesignforum/meetings/planningandurbandesignforumminitem1320120529.pdf
- http://www.rmaguide.org.nz/rma/introduction/historical.cfm (Accessed 10:45am 2014/07/28)
- http://www.rmaguide.org.nz/rma/introduction/approach.cfm (Accessed 2014/07/29 11:59am)
- http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/rma/aee-guide-aug06/
- http://www.peel.co.uk/media/Peel%20Environmental/Bilsthorpe/Planning%20Application%20Nov%202013/ES/Volume%202/Appendix_7-1_Landscape_and_Visual_Impact_Assessment_Methodology.pdf (page 26)