1. Water

1.6. Landuse Consents

There are three types of consent which may required: land-use, water and discharge consents.

These types of consent may be applicable for any activity affecting a water course including:

  • Erosion controlDifferent land uses which can affect water quality, land stability and the incidence of flooding.
  • Land use consents which identify, control and minimise the impacts of activities on people and the environment (image shows the requirement for erosion control).

You may need a land use consent if you want to:

  • build or alter a bridge
  • construct or alter a well
  • construct or alter a culvert
  • drain a wetland area
  • drill, tunnel, excavate or otherwise disturb the bed of a river or lake
  • carry out soil disturbance (earthworks), vegetation clearance, roading or tracking
  • place cleanfill onto land
  • erect an erosion control structure
  • construct or alter a ford across a waterway
  • remove sand or gravel from the bed of a watercourse
  • carry out soil cultivation near a watercourse