2. Timetable

2.2. How do I access my grades?

Student grades may be accessed in a variety of ways depending on the assignment type.

For presentations, a marking sheet will be returned to the student after moderation. Presentations will be marked by two members of ESRC and the average score will be recorded. The marking sheet will detail marks award as well as provide more specific feedback.  The tutor may also provide generalised feedback to the whole class at some stage during the semester.

For quizzes on moodle, grades will be available on moodle immediately after the quiz has been completed UNLESS there are essay questions which require tutors to mark separately. In this case, the tutor will notify the student when the mark is available.

For quizzes in class - feedback will take place immediately after the quiz

For written work - hand-in is normally via turnitin on moodle. Marks and feedback are available to the student once the assignment has been completed. Tutors will advise this date.