Assignment 2 Part 2 ready to collect

Assignment 2 Part 2 ready to collect

by Heather Wilkins -
Number of replies: 0

kia ora class,

Hope you are all doing well and able to take some time to recharge over the semester break. 

Well done to you all on a great effort for Assignment 2 part 2, there has been some excellent work submitted. I've marked the work, the grades are being moderated and will be with you this week.

The hard copies are back in a box in the Studio class - please pick them up as I've added comments to help your learning.

 Genrerally, there has been good effort to prepare the plant files - please re-write technical language in your owns words that really describe the plant, otherwise it's too specfic to botany and as landscape architects we need to communicate to a wide range of audiences. Plain language is the best! 

A general note to make sure that correct botanical naming style is used with capital letters and italics:

Botanical name always italics unless it is a cultivar e.g. Genera species 'Cultivar'   for example Phormium tenax ; Coprosma 'Poor Knight's'

 common name no italics and lower case  (unless a proper noun e.g. New Zealand flax, harakeke). Best practice in industry is to have the english and te reo common name if there is one. Many nurseries now use this convention.  If you are unsure of te reo name, use this tool:

I'll be in touch again with the grade sheets and individual comment sheets later this week.

