Abschnitt Name Beschreibung
Textseite Activity 1: An Introduction to Plant Naming

An introduction to plant naming conventions.

Textseite Activity 2: An Introduction to the Rules for Writing Botanical Names

An introduction to the rules associated with writing botanical names.

Textseite Activity 3: Rules for Writing Cultivar Names

During this third activity, you will be introduced to the rules associated with writing cultivar names.

Verzeichnis Zoom recording of detail planting session

Zoom recording of detail planting session and overview of Assignment 2 Part 2

Datei Site Analysis example
Datei LAND5021 Design with Plants
Datei Course Overview and Schedule for Studio One: LAND5021
2022 STUDIO - SITE INFORMATION Datei Base site contour information 1:1000 @A3
base site plan for site analysis diagrams and sections
Datei Base aerial 1:100 @ A3

Clean aerial image with site boundary for site analysis diagrams

Datei Base aerial with contours and hydrology 1:1000 @A3

layered base information with contours and hydrology

Datei Unitec Masterplan

Reference document for strategic Unitec development 

Verzeichnis Site photos and media

photos from the site visit on Wednesday 9/03/2022