Section Name Description
URL Do you have maths questions? It's easy to book an online tutorial; with this link..
File QR code to scan and book online tutorial
Course Information File Course Topic Schedule and Assessment Information
File Nursing Maths Course Guide (NZCSCP L4)
Assessments / Ngā Aromatawai URL Academic Integrity Quiz

Please do this Quiz. You may have to enrol yourself in the course to get the online help to answer the questions.

Work can not be submitted if the Quiz is not completed.

File Quick guide to extension and APC process
URL Link to Unitec application process and form
File Assessment regulations NZCSCP L4
File Instructions for making a pdf file and uploading work to Moodle

Here are 3 ways students have found success to upload work to Moodle

Help URL Book an appointment with a Maths Learning Advisor here
URL Book online for support with a Literacy, Maori, or Pacific Advisor here
URL Bridgepoint Support Zone
File Financial Hardship - how to get help & who to contact
URL How-to Unitec videos on Student portal logins, passwords, timetables, Moodle, etc
URL Library Online Tutorials
URL Library Search
URL Student Portal link
URL Maths and Science Learning Advisors
URL Access4Success
URL Ask Me desk

URL Careers Help
URL Learning Advisors
URL Subject Librarians
URL Pacific Centre
Topic One: Calculations & Estimations URL ANYONE CAN LEARN MATHS! Watch this video about using a Growth Mindset to help you learn Maths. Value your mistakes as a learning process, and believe in your abilities to learn.

This video clip shows Maths Educator Jo Boaler and four of her students reflecting on the importance of valuing mistakes as a learning process, and believing in your abilities to learn as factors of your success.

File PukamahiTuatahi (Workbook One)
File Topic 1 Workbook Exercises Checklist
File practice questions for test1 (B)
File Key Concepts for Topic One
File Topic One skills
URL Understanding Place value
File Place Value Houses
URL Video: subtraction algorithm - place value
URL Video: Subtraction algorithm - understanding regrouping
URL Video Rounding to Significant Figures

Rounding to Significant Figures

File Times Tables chart
URL Learn your times tables with the Quizlet App. You can make up your own quizzes or use the quizzes already available. There is a phone app available.
URL Division algorithm using whole numbers
File Practice estimation using division - whole numbers
URL Review your understanding of how to add and subtract negative numbers
File BEDMAS revision
URL Kahoot Quiz Order of Operations (Bedmas)

Link to Kahoot quiz on BEDMAS

URL Understanding Decimals
File Practice rounding to 1 s.f. for decimals
URL Multiplying a decimal by a decimal
URL Multiplying challenging decimals by decimals
File Video Revision - decimal multiplication and decimal division by a whole number
URL Division of a whole number by decimals
File Practice estimation using division - decimals
File Week 4 Revision powerpoint 4.2
File Week 4 Revision Powerpoint 5.2
File Week 4 Revision powerpoint 5.1
File Decimal problems

Written questions

Topic Two: Measurement, Fractions and Percentages File Topic 2 Workbook measurement, fractions, decimals percentages
File 'King Henry' Measurement Conversions chart
File Key Concepts Topic Two
File Key Concepts Topic Two printable worksheet
URL Metric Volume (Liquid capacity)
File Measurement Introduction
URL Video Reading Measurement Scales

A good short video explaining how to read measurement scales

File Reading Scales Exercise
URL Video Conversions using King Henry mnemonic
URL Link to further measurement conversion practice
File Revision 1: Week 5 Conversions for mass (weight)
File Revision 2: Conversions mL, dL, L (liquid capacity)
File Revision 3: Units of length, conversions
Folder Improper fraction exercises from Nursing Calculations book
File Key words for fractions
URL Video Simplifying Fractions
URL Video Equivalent Fractions
URL Video Adding fractions with the same denominator
URL video link Adding Fractions with unlike Denominators
File Unit fractions and non unit fractions
URL Video Multiplying fractions example C Ex 36
File Revision 4: Fraction Revision
File Revision 5: Fractions
File Revision 6 Fractions and Decimals
File Revision 7: Fractions, conversions, decimals and percentages
File Revision 8: Some Topic 2 revision questions
File Student created fractions revision quiz (Debbie's class)
URL Video Ordering fractions decimals and percentages
File Check your understanding of fractions
URL Video of finding a percentage (Ex 53)
URL Video writing a proportion as a percentage (Ex 55)
URL Nursing Calculations textbook link
URL What do the prefixes kilo, deci, centi, milli, micro, nano mean?
URL How to convert seconds to minutes
URL Fraction Basics and interactive activities - review your knowledge here.
URL Visual model - concept of multiplying fractions
File Fraction word problems
File Ordering Fractions Decimals and Percentages
File Word Problems with percentages
File Extension percentage problems
Topic 3 Statistics URL Video: How to read and understand tables
File Types of Graphs
URL What is a line graph?
URL What is a dot-plot?

Link to explanation of a dot plot

File Measures of Center and measures of Spread of Data Sets.
URL Video: How to draw box and whisker graphs
URL video on finding median and quartiles for an even set of data
File Workbook Topic 3 Statistics
File Exercise 4: Bar Graphs
File Exercise 7 Line graph
File Exercise 9 Line graph - Blank
File Exercise 9 copy of data and questions
Topic 4: Ratios, Drug Calculations and infusions File Topic 4 Workbook: Ratios, Drug Calculations, Infusions
URL Recommended tablet and drug calculation quiz
URL What are ratios and how to simplify them.
URL Simplifying harder ratios
Folder Splitting an amount in a ratio
File Revision Powerpoint 1 Tablet doses, measurement conversions and simplifying ratios
File Revision Powerpoint 2 Conversions and ratios
File Week 13 Revision

Conversions, ratio questions, tablet calculations, volume calculations.

URL Measurement conversions, tablet calculations, drug calculation quizzes
URL Recommended quizzes on measurement conversions, drug calculations and infusions